This issue started on or around September 5, 2019. This issue is caused by the Eye Care mode feature of Lenovo Vantage. When creating screenshots or using similar tools (such as Snipping Tool or Snip & Sketch), the resulting images may have an unnatural orange tint. Users have reported an orange tint on Screenshots and Snips with the Lenovo Vantage app installed Screenshots and Snips have an unnatural orange tint In an updated support document, the Windows maker confirms that it has now resolved the issue. How to Install Windows 10 Version 21H2 Before Everyone Else The latest issue being reported by users is an audio quality problem, the issue being acknowledged by Microsoft is a Search and Start menu bug, and the problem that is actually being addressed is the orange/red tint that some users have been experiencing while using Windows 10 1903. Admittedly, some problems have more to do with the device manufacturers than Microsoft, but the onslaught of Cortana-specific issues aren't helping the Windows maker right now. In between, the users continue to report even more Windissues. The company is addressing some bugs and then acknowledging some more. Microsoft is on a patching-acknowledging spree.