After identifying items that people want you need to figure out how to obtain them at a lower price than the current auction house price, as this will ensure a profit. Cosmetic items include mounts, transmog, rare recipes etc. This can be gear, item enhancements, consumables etc. Performance increasing items are items that directly increase the power of your character. People are generally more willing to pay for performance increases than cosmetics, as it will directly impact the core gameplay. In WoW there are two primary categories of items that people are willing to pay for. To make money in WoW you need to have items that other people need or want.
Some of the information in this post will be unchanged since Legion, particularly in relation to old world crafting markets that have not changed since I wrote the original guide. This will go through ALL of the methods for gold making that I am aware of in BfA and will send you to where you can get more information on the market to get started.